Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is the Best Ab Workout to Remove Belly Fat?

Are you one of the many people who are still looking for the best ab workout to remove belly fat?

If you are, then you might just get disappointed because the answer is none. There is no ab workout that improves your metabolic response which will help in losing fats.

People often asked about ways on how they can lose their stomach fat and achieve their dream of having a toned belly preferably even with a six pack. The problem is they would often expect for a “miracle abdominal workout” that will readily take the excess fat off their bellies.

But the truth is they are greatly mistaken. It is not by doing rigorous abs workout that will remove their belly fat.

If you are one of the many people who spent time and energy in doing abdominal exercises and other abs workouts to tone your belly, then you should just stop now. You are just wasting time and energy since it will not do anything to change your belly fat.Instead, invest your time and effort in doing the appropriate workout programs that will really help to remove belly fat.

According to experts, the best exercise for removing belly fat would be to include full body exercises such as the following:

Various forms of squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc.

Full body exercise would include a higher percentage of the workouts rather than perform a rigorous exercise that is only directed to your midsection. The full body workout will also further improve your body’s metabolism that will help you burn off fats.

This is not saying that you should not do an exercise that tightens your belly. I’m only saying that these exercises are only a small part of the program that is recommended. It would just be better to focus your time and energy in doing full body exercises that will stimulate and will lead to hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a full body workout will also ensure that you are exercising your whole midsection and not just a part of it.

But keep in mind that your exercise, whether it is full body or not, will only be effective if you have a healthy diet. It would not matter how hard you workout if you keep on eating food junks and fatty foods. The fats will still cover your belly. Exercising and eating healthy is the way to achieve your dream of a six pack abs.

So let’s make things clear….

Do not focus on doing exercise that targets only your midsection area like sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and other exercise that contracts your belly if you are trying to develop your own six pack abs. Focus instead on high intensity full body lifts that combines multi-joint exercises that are strategically brought together to form a highly effective full body workout that helps you burn more fat. Do the exercise regularly while maintaining a healthy diet that is full of natural and unprocessed whole foods. By doing these two simple instructions, you surely will be able to remove your belly fat once and for all!


  1. Good resource for those seeking to lose the belly fat on time

  2. I have gone through Lap band surgery and found it very good fat loose.

  3. I usually do alot of cardio to melt all the fat..
    My favorites is the elliptical

    Elliptical Reviews schwinn 430 elliptical trainer
