Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Foods That Help Remove Belly Fat

Do you know that there are foods which help you remove belly fat? I did some research on what foods help burn belly fat and these are the foods which many experts recommend to help you remove belly fat:

1- Fresh fruits: especially citrus fruits, pineapple, and watermelon. I have an additional advice for you; if you are fond of sweets and candies, you should try frozen fruits instead.

2- Salads and fresh vegetables are your best friend , they have all the vitamins you need with low calories. You should concentrate on tomatoes, celery, lettuce, and cucumber. Those vegetables are one one of the best foods that help remove belly fat.

3- Green tea: one of most effective antioxidant drinks and very healthy.You should drink at least one cup a day. I have also a nice recipe with Green tea that helps remove belly fat: Just put green tea with ginger tea or fresh sliced ginger with boiled water.

4- Eggs: Is one of the most important sources of protein, which is important for building your muscles instead in building fats.

5- Non-fat milk and yogurt.

6- Beans: will make you feel full for long time.

7- Olive oil: one of the most important sources of vitamins and will keep your bad cholesterol down. Moreover,olive oil, contains a very powerful antioxidant.

8- Salmon: it is rich in omega-3, which makes your metabolism more efficient and so helps remove fat belly. Remember, it is rich in protein too.

And lastly here are some foods you must avoid if you really want to remove belly fat:

White bread, flour, pasta, milk pudding, high salt foods, coffee, chocolate, fatty meats and alcohol.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is the Best Ab Workout to Remove Belly Fat?

Are you one of the many people who are still looking for the best ab workout to remove belly fat?

If you are, then you might just get disappointed because the answer is none. There is no ab workout that improves your metabolic response which will help in losing fats.

People often asked about ways on how they can lose their stomach fat and achieve their dream of having a toned belly preferably even with a six pack. The problem is they would often expect for a “miracle abdominal workout” that will readily take the excess fat off their bellies.

But the truth is they are greatly mistaken. It is not by doing rigorous abs workout that will remove their belly fat.

If you are one of the many people who spent time and energy in doing abdominal exercises and other abs workouts to tone your belly, then you should just stop now. You are just wasting time and energy since it will not do anything to change your belly fat.Instead, invest your time and effort in doing the appropriate workout programs that will really help to remove belly fat.

According to experts, the best exercise for removing belly fat would be to include full body exercises such as the following:

Various forms of squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc.

Full body exercise would include a higher percentage of the workouts rather than perform a rigorous exercise that is only directed to your midsection. The full body workout will also further improve your body’s metabolism that will help you burn off fats.

This is not saying that you should not do an exercise that tightens your belly. I’m only saying that these exercises are only a small part of the program that is recommended. It would just be better to focus your time and energy in doing full body exercises that will stimulate and will lead to hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a full body workout will also ensure that you are exercising your whole midsection and not just a part of it.

But keep in mind that your exercise, whether it is full body or not, will only be effective if you have a healthy diet. It would not matter how hard you workout if you keep on eating food junks and fatty foods. The fats will still cover your belly. Exercising and eating healthy is the way to achieve your dream of a six pack abs.

So let’s make things clear….

Do not focus on doing exercise that targets only your midsection area like sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and other exercise that contracts your belly if you are trying to develop your own six pack abs. Focus instead on high intensity full body lifts that combines multi-joint exercises that are strategically brought together to form a highly effective full body workout that helps you burn more fat. Do the exercise regularly while maintaining a healthy diet that is full of natural and unprocessed whole foods. By doing these two simple instructions, you surely will be able to remove your belly fat once and for all!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Get Rid of That Dangerous Belly Fat

It has been proven that a belly fat is a dangerous fat to have in your body. Don’t you find it a little strange that there are people who can seemingly be fit in all areas of the body except for their belly? It looks like each of us, whether we look like it or not, is overweight in one way or another. That is why we all need to monitor our weight and be active in maintaining our healthy lifestyle, but those who have belly fats need to be aware even more.

It is important that you take care of your belly because it is the area that holds most of your organs. You can say that, having fats in your belly region can be more dangerous than fats anywhere else. If you have extra weight in your legs or your hips it does not directly affect any major organs. On the other hand, carrying a belly fat will certainly hinder the work of some major organs. Obstructing our major organs is something that we should avoid.

People often complain that their most annoying problem is the extra belly fat that they have a hard time getting rid of. I agree that a belly fat is quite annoying and can be exasperating to look at. But the more pressing matter is how unsafe it is. Only a few people know the danger of having an extra belly. Knowing the disadvantages of having an ugly looking belly fat will only further motivate you to get rid of it.

There are even some people who believe that it is rather impossible to lose their belly fat. They assume that there is nothing they can do with the extra fat on their belly especially with their older age. But achieving a flat belly is a possibility for each person. You should be willing to work on changing your lifestyle. As long as you are willing to do what it takes, it is always an option.

Reducing and finally losing the belly fat will only be achieve through the combine effort of having exercise and right diet. You can even achieve it quicker by doing certain exercises that are aimed specifically at reducing fat at the tummy area. Doing these exercises, while following nutritional low fat diet will just make removing belly fat faster. Just be careful in doing these practices. You should make sure that your body can handle and adjust to your new lifestyle.

Another option is to consult a fitness trainer, a dietitian or physician. They will guide you in dealing with your belly fat.

Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Remove Belly Fat Efficiently

Are you someone who wants to remove belly fat efficiently? The tips below are the best solution when combined as a holistic program. The three areas I’ll cover are diet, exercise, and anti-stress tips. Get personally committed, create your special plan, and you will remove your belly fat efficiently!

Diet Tips to Remove Belly Fat

Calculate your basal metabolic rate and figure out how many calories your body burns daily just sitting on a couch. Then add in the calories you burn with exercise and daily activities. Calculate your weight loss goal, time frame, and amount of calories you need to cut out daily to reach your goal to remove belly fat.

Anti-Stress Tips to Remove Belly Fat

When you encounter stress, including lack of sleep, your body will produce a hormone called cortisol. This will keep your appetite stimulated and also keeps glucose production high. The body converts excess glucose into fat, which is usually stored in the midsection for quick access by your body.

So, how do you neutralize the stress of daily life to remove belly fat?

Get enough sleep. Only you know how much sleep you need, but if you are routinely dragging during the day feeling sleepy, lethargic, exhausted, etc., then you probably need to get more sleep.

Exercise Tips to Remove Belly Fat

When trying to remove belly fat the important thing to remember is to include whole body exercises and to rotate your workouts in order to continually provide a challenge for your body. Otherwise your body becomes acclimated and does not receive as much benefit as if you vary your workouts. So for example if you always jog 30 minutes every day, that will be less effective than if you do different types of workouts every few days.

I've struggled with my weight and have tried all sorts of methods to shed my extra pounds - from fancy ab contraptions to expensive diet pills. Finally, after years of mistakes and heartache, I realized that to remove belly fat effectively, I needed to take a holistic approach. This is it!

Submitted by: Claire Summers

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remove Belly Fat and Increase Your Lifespan

Belly fat is more dangerous to our health than any other type of fat. This is the finding of several scientific studies conducted over the years. Belly fat or abdominal fat is more associated with higher incidence of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes than any other type of fat.

Dr. Nir Barzilai and his team at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found out that if they surgically remove belly fat from rats they live 20% longer on average and that the rats improve their overall health significantly. However, removing the fat under the skin by liposuction did not result on significant health improvements to the rats.

Interestingly, there are scientific researches of this type which are done on humans and they found almost the same thing. Check out on the video below to see why it is really important for our health to remove belly fat once and for all.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Remove Belly Fat - 1 Tip You Must Follow to Help You Remove Belly Fat

The most important tip that you must heed in order to succeed in your quest to remove belly fat is to develop the right mindset first. Your mindset can spell the difference between success and failure on your dream of banishing that belly fat once and for all. Without the right mindset, you will quit too early or even not get started in the first place. But with the right mindset, you will find the energy to carry on despite the difficulties and obstacles that you will experience on the way to your goal.

So how do you develop the right mindset to finally win the battle to remove belly fat?

First and foremost, you have to realize that a bulging belly fat is not only a beauty or vanity issue but a health issue as well. Excess abdominal fat is not simply ugly but is also a big health risk. Having excess belly fat greatly increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, various forms of cancer, and other degenerative diseases.

The next thing that you must do in order to develop the right mindset is to visualize yourself as having attained already the goal of having a flat and sexy abs. A good suggestion is to take a picture of yourself now and then edit that same picture using Adobe Photoshop showing your ideal body. At the bottom of the picture place your name and the time frame of your goal. Example: "Me, Two months from now". Visualize yourself achieving your goal as often as possible. At the very least, do it in the morning before rising from your bed and in the night before going to sleep.

This is how succesful people develop the right mindset toward achieving their goals and this is how we should start in our battle to
remove belly fat.